Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cash in on the "Other China"

Every minute you wait to cash in on
the "other China" is costing you
profits that could be lost forever!

Is your money where rapid growth
is most certain to continue?

Dear Fellow Investor:

China... China... China... everybody is talking about how to get rich investing in China. And that's good, at least as far as it goes. But to me, it seems a bit like leaving the dinner party before the steak is served.

There's no doubt about it, no matter what happens to the U.S. economy and whether the DOW ends the year at 11,000 or 7,500, savvy investors, interested in more-certain profits, are banking that foreign markets, and the "other China" in particular, will continue to beat the pants off of Wall Street.

And for good reason. According to the newest IMF projections for 2010, the year-over-year changes in GDP look like this...

China 8.5 %
India 6.5 %
Emerging markets (all-inclusive) 4.7 %
Japan 1.7 %
United States 0.8 %
United Kingdom 0.2 %
European Union -0.3 %

You do the math: China's economy is now projected to grow ten times faster than that of the U.S.! And, while many advisors are going to tell you that mainland China is the place to park your money, I'm here to tell you that...

There's an Even Better Way to Cash
in on China's Booming Economy!

joynerYou're about to discover an emerging economy that's stable, modern, westernized, and even more attractive than China's! It's a direct play on China's booming economy that been mostly overlooked and offers the kind of profit opportunities you might have enjoyed if you bought into China's economy earlier this year before the Shanghai exchange surged 68%! For the moment, let's call it "the other China." As you read on, I'll tell you more about it and why it's an even better place to put your money than China. But first, to fully appreciate the comparison, you really need to be up to speed on the explosive growth in mainland China.

Even the most optimistic forecasters predict the U.S. economy won't emerge from recession until late this year with GDP growth in 2010 of just 1.8%. On the other hand, many respected economists warn that the U.S. economy is anything but out of the woods, which is why I am looking to far more certain markets.

The World Bank is telling us that China's economy will expand at a 7.7% pace this year. And the IMF says China's growth rate next year will be 8.5%. Those aren't China's government figures, they come from two independent sources. You could see China's growth rate back to double digits in 2011.

The Question is Not Which Economy
Will Grow Fastest,
But How Best to Take Advantage of That Market

If you really want to make up for the hit your portfolio probably took when the market sold off, not only do you need to know...

That China's GDP growth will continue to triple and quadruple the pace of the U.S. recovery...
What other emerging economies will profit the most from China's boom...
Which specific investments outside of mainland China now offer even more attractive profit opportunities than investing in the mother load?

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