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That's because at least three wayward Republican Senators (Charles Grassley, Michael Enzi and Olympia Snowe) could very well hand a victory on ObamaCare to Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Patriotic Americans, like you are attending town hall meetings (many for the first time) and making your voices heard. And you're enduring scorn and ridicule. You've been called "Nazis." A Democrat Congressman from Washington State, Brian Baird, called you a "Brownshirt." Some patriotic Americans, like Kenneth Gladney, have been physically assaulted by goons sporting Service Employees International Union (SEIU) shirts. You've heard high-ranking White House officials say, "If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard," and you've endured attempts to intimidate and frighten you... attempts to squelch your First Amendment rights. A White House official went so far as to instruct your friends and neighbors to report anything "fishy" you might have said. Did you endure this hardship so that three misguided Republicans could pretend to "compromise" on ObamaCare but, in actuality, give the proponents of ObamaCare everything they want? Let's speak plainly. Your willingness to speak out against this socialist takeover of our health care system is showing signs of succees but ObamaCare should be off the table... done... finished... kaput. As things now stand, proponents of ObamaCare cannot get 60 votes in the Senate. They cannot cut-off debate. They cannot overcome a filibuster. And despite their bullying and bravado, they know that Americans are so opposed to ObamaCare, that it would be political suicide to invoke the "reconciliation" process and shove ObamaCare through the Senate, and down our throats, by a simple majority vote. But not so fast, three Republican Senators, Grassley, Enzi and Snowe, still want to rescue ObamaCare. Three Republican Senators are "negotiating" with their Democrat counterparts to bring an ObamaCare-lite proposal to the table. We say, this foolishness must stop now. If you agree, we need you to join us and add your voice to ours. We need every person in receipt of this urgent appeal to use the hyperlink below and barrage each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate with your personalized faxes. Tell them that no amount of so-called "compromise" will turn the sow's belly of government-run health care into a silk purse. No amount of lipstick will make this pig of a legislative attempt called ObamaCare attractive or palatable to the American people. Tell these elected officials once and for all that the American people want no part of ObamaCare. The American people don't want a so-called compromise and the American people don't want ObamaCare-lite. Tell our Republican legislators that the only thing keeping ObamaCare alive at this very moment is the willingness of three Republican Senators to play "nice-nice" with the opposition and demand that these Republican office-holders use every means at their disposal to push Grassley and Enzi and Snowe away from the negotiating table so that ObamaCare can go away into that long good-night once and for all. If button above does not work, use this hyperlink . Three Republican Senators Are Keeping ObamaCare On Life Support. It's time to tell these Republican Senators that the American people do not want ObamaCare saved. The American people want them to pull the plug. Why are we placing the blame at the feet of these three misguided Republican Senators? On Tuesday, the pro-ObamaCare AARP released a poll that confirms what the many proponents of ObamaCare have known all along. According to the AARP poll, only 14% of all Americans (and only 23% of Democrats) believe "President Obama and the Democrats in Congress should pass [ObamaCare] on their own." No bi-partisan support... no ObamaCare.... Without bi-partisan support, ObamaCare is finished... stick a fork in it. So what in the name of all that is holy are Grassley and Enzi and Snowe doing? Why are they trying to give ObamaCare the so-called "bi-partisan support" it needs to stay alive. Why don't they walk away from the table and let it die. It's not as if no one has told them what must happen. Enzi found himself under attack at a recent town hall meeting (and rightfully so). According to an account of the meeting from the extreme left-wing Huffington Post: "Republicans in the crowd called for him [Enzi] to exit the talks. He assured conservatives that his presence was delaying health care reform." "Delaying health care reform" ... ? Is Enzi even occupying the same planet as the rest of us? Why would you delay something unpleasant when your leaving the room would kill it? But Enzi refused to see the light, attempting to win the crowd he gave what amounts to some rather weak and pathetic excuses: "Someone has to be at the table asking questions," and it's "not where I get them to compromise, it's what I get them to leave out." Newsflash for you Senator Enzi... it's time to stop "asking questions." If you walk away from the table, you force them to "leave out" everything. In short... you win and the American people win. And we're not the only ones imparting that rather obvious and apparent bit of wisdom. Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, came right out and said: "The Republicans should kill the bill. It's a bad idea." According to the Billings Gazette, one of the town hall attendees, The Rev. Nicholas Voyadgis said: "It was Enzi's duty to his constituents to terminate negotiations." Per the Gazette, the crowd responded with "loud applause." One of the others who called on Enzi to "exit the talks" was Wyoming state representative, Timothy Hallinan. After he spoke, the crowd applauded yet again. If Enzi isn't getting the message, it's high time we tell his Republican colleagues to explain it to him. We need every person in receipt of this urgent appeal to use the hyperlink below and barrage each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate with your personalized faxes. Tell them that no amount of so-called "compromise" will turn the sow's belly of government-run health care into a silk purse. No amount of lipstick will make this pig of a legislative attempt called ObamaCare attractive or palatable to the American people. Tell these elected officials once and for all that the American people want no part of ObamaCare. The American people don't want a so-called compromise and the American people don't want ObamaCare-lite. Tell our Republican legislators that the only thing keeping ObamaCare alive at this very moment is the willingness of three Republican Senators to play "nice-nice" with the opposition and demand that these Republican office-holders use every means at their disposal to push Grassley and Enzi and Snowe away from the negotiating table so that ObamaCare can go away into that long good-night once and for all. If button above does not work, use this hyperlink . And What About Snowe And Grassley? As for Olympia Snowe, what can we say? She's obviously hearing from the American people. Recently she arrogantly told the press: "People are confused," and she added, "whether or not we can break through that chatter remains to be seen." So the American people who are saying no to ObamaCare are "confused" and she's trying to "break through" your "chatter?" You don't get any more elitist than that. If press reports are to be believed, she apparently told Obama that he should take a more "practical approach," and that's hardly... how shall we say it... reassuring? Snowe has been a thorn in the side of the Republican party for far too long. It's high time that Republicans told her to make a choice. She either needs to tow-the-line or go the way of Arlen Specter or Jim Jeffords. And there's no better time than the present to push the point. . As for Grassley, apparently he is hearing the message as well but it's not clear at this point if he's actually listening. According to the liberal Washington Post: "Sen. Charles E. Grassley, a key Republican negotiator in the quest for bipartisan health-care reform, said Wednesday that the outpouring of anger at town hall meetings this month has fundamentally altered the nature of the debate and convinced him that lawmakers should consider drastically scaling back the scope of the effort." You're almost there Senator Grassley, but the American people don't want you to "consider" whether "scaling back the scope of the effort" is prudent. The American people want ObamaCare scrapped. Another passage in the Post article is very telling and may provide us some clues in regards to Grassley's frame of mind: "Democrats have accused Grassley of trying to undermine the reform effort, for example by refusing to debunk rumors that the Democratic health bills would create 'death panels' empowered to decide whether the infirm live or die." The Post did not give much detail other than to say Grassley, "denied those claims and fired back at Obama...." Perhaps the liberal Washington Post didn't accurately report everything Grassley said but what appears to be missing is an affirmation from Grassley that the Democrat bill will indeed empower government to make decisions that will effectively determine who receives life-saving or life-extending medical services and who does not. . One thing is certain, if proponents of ObamaCare castigated us for "refusing to debunk rumors that the Democratic health bills would create 'death panels' empowered to decide whether the infirm live or die," we'd be upset too. But in our case, we'd be upset by the characterization of such a fact as "rumors" and we'd be more upset over the implication that the proponents of ObamaCare were actually expecting us to carry their water. And of course, what is most disconcerting is that Grassley is still at the table. Walking away from the table would most certainly be a huge gesture. More than that, it could very well pound the final nail into the coffin of ObamaCare. Wouldn't it be great if, just this once, Republicans didn't try to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Wouldn't it be nice if Republicans actually tried to win one for the American people? With your help... we might make that happen this time around. Tell them that no amount of so-called "compromise" will turn the sow's belly of government-run health care into a silk purse. No amount of lipstick will make this pig of a legislative attempt called ObamaCare attractive or palatable to the American people. Tell these elected officials once and for all that the American people want no part of ObamaCare. The American people don't want a so-called compromise and the American people don't want ObamaCare-lite. Tell our Republican legislators that the only thing keeping ObamaCare alive at this very moment is the willingness of three Republican Senators to play "nice-nice" with the opposition and demand that these Republican office-holders use every means at their disposal to push Grassley and Enzi and Snowe away from the negotiating table so that ObamaCare can go away into that long good-night once and for all. If button above does not work, use this hyperlink . |
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