Monday, July 27, 2009

Agora Financial Investment Symposium Day 4: The Greatest (Stimulus) Story Ever Told

The Daily Reckoning

Agora Financial Investment Symposium Day 4: The Greatest (Stimulus) Story Ever Told

Bill Bonner Takes the Stage To Discuss "A Decade of Reckoning" and Closes The Agora Financial Investment Symposium

Monday, July 27th, 8:12 A.M. PST
Vancouver, British Columbia

Dear reader,

Bill Bonner speaks his mind.

He's spent the last decade doing just that in The Daily Reckoning. If you read the DR, you already know Bill:

Free money ain't money...

Free money has no ties to reality...

It invites a lack of discipline....

Of course, stimulus money is free money...

Bill Bonner explains that Stimulus money is 'free' money...

So true from the age of Roman conquest to Spain's pillage of the new world. From Japan in the 1990s to the US in 2009. This story can't change.

Stimulus money is worthless. It is "fake grain" - grain created out of thin air, meant to hold one over during the lean years...

But if one never put any real grain away during the fat years...there is no real grain in the lean times. There is only pain.

Real money - however - is earned money. Money born from hard work and diligence.

And while "pro" prognosticators, world-improvers, bureaucrats and commentators can jump up and down about stimulus until they keel over dead...

Free money ain't real money. Earned money earned IS.

Yes, dear reader, Bill Bonner closed out the 2009 AF Investment Symposium with a "sermon" delivered direct to the choir.

And from the Fed to failed Wall Street enterprises...from the Goldman Sachs club for world domination to the jail cell of one Bernie Madoff...

The Bernankes, Paulsons, Fulds and Mozilos of the world - every time they open their mouths - only prove that they don't understand the critical difference between stimulus money and Real money.

So what was Bill's lesson for the crowd?

In the face of all this stimulus, and ahead of the coming wave of inevitable inflation, it's too easy to trade against the US dollar and treasury bonds right now.

The day for those moves will come, but for now it's too soon.

In the meantime, hold your gold. It's insurance against the fake grain they pass off to us while claiming it will fill our bellies.

It's been a brutally BUSY week in Vancouver - filled with heated debates, huge thematic similarities (and some blistering contrarian ideas), and plenty of intriguing information to digest...

Tax Cut Hoaxes, A Stronger Dollar Than You Might Expect, LNG In Australia,
PLUS How to Make Volatility Your Slave...

Since I have so much else to cover today - here's a quick wrap-up of what else happened in the main session ballroom on Day 4 before Mr. Bonner took to the podium...

John Pugsley, editor of The Stealth Investor, reviewed what he called the Deflation Hoax - and gave 19th century economic expansion as the most impressive example. Production increased, but the money supply did not. This was good deflation.

John also discussed the Tax Cut Hoax. If the gov't cuts taxes, but doesn't cut spending - you get hosed for the difference - or rather, your children and grandchildren are - through an increase in the deficit.

All this hoaxing - where's John's recommendation? Here it is: Get into real goods - like natural resources. Buy gold, and get ready for the coming wave of inflation.

I strongly encourage you to get all the details of Bill and John's speeches with the complete Symposium audio set, right here.

You better act fast, however...

The price will jump at least $100 for each audio set tonight at Midnight.

Then, Matthew Badiali, Editor of Stansberry and Associates Resource Report discussed 3 oil services firms he finds incredibly attractive, and disclosed his contrarian play for the future - natural gas...which leads us to the next speaker,

Kris Sayce, Editor and small-cap expert at Port Phillip Publishing (Agora's Australian outpost) who continued the natural gas theme.

Specifically, Kris released 3 liquefied natural gas (LNG) plays he loves. Here's a hint why he's so bullish on LNG. Right now, Australia has 2 LNG terminals.

That ain't many at all. Within the next few years, as Kris pointed out - 7-8 more terminals will come online. Why the big push to make more expensive terminals?

Southeast Asia drools with nat gas demand - and you can get Kris' 3 best small cap plays in your [SPECIAL BONUS REPORT] right along with your reduced-price audio-set, here.

Next up, Alex Green, the Investment Director of The Oxford Club, warned against permanence.

Everything changes, Alex said. His backup quotes? Oh - only Buffet, Graham, and Templeton - who have all warned against certainty and a feeling of permanence.

Otherwise, Alex discussed the four major pitfalls most investors make - Being either too aggressive or being too conservative, trying to time the market, and poorly delegating their resources...

PLUS - Alex described his now-famous Gone Fishin' Portfolio that has returned market-beating gains for years...and you can learn all about what his revolutionary portfolio contains - with your own Symposium audio set, right here.

Finally, providing a fresh change of pace from a week chock-filled with resource bullishness, dollar bearishness, and volumes said on the beauty of gold, Karim Rahemtulla, Founder and Chairman of Mt. Vernon Research took the stage to discuss how you can make volatility your slave with options!

Karim's presentation covered the recent huge peaks in the Volatility (VIX) Index, as well as the pullback into the 20s we've recently seen.

He informed the crowd on his proprietary strategies to lower risk, increase your control over options positions, how to put more time on your side when you trade...even how to best maximize LEAP options to your benefit. You really gotta hear his speech...

Vancouver 2009 : Dozens of Picks, A World of Analysis, A Decade of Reckoning

These last 4 days have made me dizzy.

The gold talk.

The overwhelming case for geothermal energy.

Then, there were the questions I have:

Get out of dollars this very instant, or wait a few months?

What's the best basket of plays to maximize profits from the huge recent offshore oil find in Brazil?

Which emerging technologies could slay most diseases as we know them today, making millionaires out of those who act fast enough to grab the best pure plays?

You can find all these answers - all these specific company recommendations - and more - in the complete AF Symposium audio set.

However, I must warn you once again - the price for the audio set will jump at least $100 right at Midnight, TONIGHT, July 27.

But before I get to the details about how you can grab your discounted audio set today - I should say a few more words about my glorious host city.

Vancouver Lifts Your Spirits - Even In The Face of The Worst Financial Crisis Any of Us Have Ever Seen

I've spent a fair amount of time in Vancouver over the years.

And like all other cities, it's seen its share of challenges during this financial crisis.

Unemployment. Apartment vacancies. Job losses in the service sector.

But as I said in my Greetings From Vancouver dispatch the other day - few cities are as well equipped to weather storms as this one.

Speaking of which - take a guess how many days of rain we had this week?

Not one.

Guess how many times the daytime temperature eclipsed 80.

Not one.

Guess how many times I had to stop and pinch myself - to not only be in a place so beautiful, but to have the chance to fill my intellectual cup with shocking and prescient ideas from some of the best minds in money and finance?


If you've never been here, I suppose there's really nothing I can say which will fully describe the splendor and vitality of Vancouver.

AF Symposium or not - you should see this city for yourself.

Even though I've been working like a dog this week - running from presentation to presentation - I made sure to take time early in the week to refresh my outlook by enjoying this beautiful urban landscape.

So though my body's tired, my brain is stuffed with new ideas.

Yours can be too - right from home.

Take note - what I'm about to share could revolutionize your investment gains for the rest of 2009 and beyond.

A Decade of Reckoning - A Lifetime of Profits

What happened this week - the dozens of picks disclosed to Symposium attendees - the cogent analysis of the stimulus fallout...

PLUS how to protect yourself from a staggering dollar...

A reckless Fed...and a government so out of touch with the active, individual investor...

You deserve - dare I say you simply must have - access to it all.

At a fraction of the cost conference attendee's paid to see it in person.

The audio set is a week of Vancouver in a box. It's a graduate - level education in investing and finance - right on your home computer.

Or in your car or living room stereo.

And this is your last chance.

I've been saying it all week - the picks and analysis can all be yours.

So I'm sorry to say that if you don't act before Midnight Monday July 27th, you'll pay more for all the knowledge dispersed this week than you would if you take immediate action.

Get your complete audio set here - and lock in your discount today.

PLUS - don't forget - I can't even accurately count how many picks were released in the exclusive small-group breakout sessions. I estimate that I saw over 70 presented...

With the complete audio set, you get all those picks in your FREE REPORT that we'll send you right when it's ready.

For now, I'm heading back to Baltimore. It has been a sincere pleasure reporting on the Symposium for you...

Simply click here to grab your audio set at 40% off.

Farewell from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,

Greg Grillot
Roving Reporter

P.S. Like I said, you have only until midnight tonight to save $100 and get the Symposium Audio CD's for just $149. You'll get audio recordings of all main session speeches, the ornery Whiskey Bar, and you'll get a FREE special report that presents all of the picks presented in the more private, small-group breakout sessions. It cost me about $5,000 to attend this conference, all-in-all, so $149 is an incredible price to get all of the information. Click here to secure your copy.

Agora Financial

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