Today you do the heavy lifting, Shooters. Here are just a few of the letters I received about yesterday’s Whiskey…
Today you said:
I’m all for murderers and rapists being removed from society permanently…but an awful lot of people are guests of the states because of insanely immoral prohibition laws. Yes, I speak of drug offenses.
And plenty of the murderers in prison are such because they are the de facto warriors and enforcers in a black market economy created by prohibition.
End prohibition and an awful lot of prison space becomes redundant.
I concur with this exactly. Too bad we don’t we don’t hear more about this. Keep up the irreverence!
Consider the irreverence kept up!
Bravo!!! I completely agree with you!
Drug prohibition has been one of the greatest tactical errors and manifest failures of the powers that be.
It has handed a very lucrative and powerful market and placed in the hands of the organized crime, making them very wealthy, powerful, and un-stoppable.
The only way we can defeat the drug traffickers is to take away their product: Legalize it! Regulate it! Tax it!
The War on Drugs has been a failure. The victims are our families and our tax dollars spent on housing masses of people in prison and the funding this ineffectual war.
I hate drugs, want to have nothing to do with them. But I am a pragmatist and the War on Drugs is a wasteful joke.
It's time to declare victory and make the stuff as legal as whiskey and put the cartels out of business!
Danke. Beware when you hear anyone say “there oughta be a law.” Just because you don’t approve of a behavior doesn’t mean there ought to be legislation against it.
When the citizenry really gets fed up the easiest thing to do is build a big concrete wall around Washington, call it a jail, and start over. And definitely do away with prohibition - what a stupid concept. Let people do what they want as long as they are harming no one but themselves (or aiding themselves). This police state has to stop, and the politicians don't get it at all. Besides the billions of dollars wasted on enforcing drug laws, and the billions missed in taxing substances, you have billions spent on keeping so-called criminals incarcerated. Don't they have calculators? I know they can't add up things in their heads, but calculators have been around for years. I know some of them don't get computers yet, but calculators? Add up the costs, dear government, this drug war thing is throwing money out the window.
Waitaminut…government throwing money out the window whilst simultaneously meddling with individual behavior it has no natural right to control? Doesn’t seem possible.
Hooray, someone else with common sense. Case in point, a local man was sentenced to 42 years in prison for having 1 marijuana smoke in his possession. He did have a number of convictions for the same thing, but no convictions for any other type of crime. The judge handing out such a sentence is up for reelection soon. Some common sense must return to our laws on soft drug usage and possession in small quantities. We have prisons full of people who cost the entire country indirectly through lost productivity as well as the direct cost of housing them.
Thanks, but it shouldn’t matter how “hard” or “soft” the drug usage is. We don’t arrest people based on how hard they hit the bottle. Why should it be different for any other drug?
The violence issue often comes up, but plenty of people smoke crack and manage not to assault and rob others.
And if there were no government-spawned black market, the cost of crack and drugs like it would come down so far that those who currently rob strangers or sell them sexual favors for rock or smack most likely wouldn’t have to. The habit would become as cheap as compulsive gum-chewing. Hard drug-users could kill themselves in peace without the government incentives to mug or whore.
RE: drugs: I wish I could howl, but I am moving toward the same position. If people want to screw up their lives, let them buy drugs from a drug store, let Midwest farmers grow pot and poppies, and tax it like any other sinful substance.
BUT: You can not do that if health care is considered a right rather than a privilege in this society. If it is a right, then hospitals and ER docs are required to work without compensation. Right now, if a hospital bills Medicare / Medicaid, they must treat anyone who shows up at the ER, whether they'll get paid or not. Isn't that slavery? Do you have any position on slavery?
So before you take drugs off the streets and legitimize an outlet for them, a repeal of the slavery - I mean, compassion laws is necessary. If people show up to an ER, they should have to show ability to pay, or they don't get care. Harsh? I suppose, but I bet it would be a nice incentive to buy health insurance.
And you certainly cannot legalize drugs and have Obamacare. Government run health care will not work. Government already heavily controls our health care system, which IMHO is exactly why costs are out of control. Any time you subsidize something with government thievery, the costs will go up.
No alcohol, please, I'm from Utah, but I will squeeze off a round or two in a show of solidarity.
Oy. You really, really don’t want me to get started on government healthcare, Good Shooter…but it’s too late.
This whole government healthcare racket itself smacks of slavery: foisting care upon people then telling them what they can and can’t do since any harm that comes to their bodies would be a burden on the national system.
I’d like to opt out of the collective, thank you very much. Let me abuse myself as I wish and pay for care as I see fit.
I await the indignant responses from the nannies and meddlers who insist on taking care of me and on telling me what’s on their approved list of what goes on with my person.
This ought to be good.
Gary Gibson
Managing Editor, Whiskey & Gunpowder
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