Friday, July 24, 2009

Your Permanent Capital & Crisis Username and Password

Agora Financial
Agora Financil's Capital & Crisis

Dear Reader,

Thank you for your order and welcome to Capital & Crisis , your guide to value investing with Chris Mayer.
Your account is now active and you'll begin receiving your Capital & Crisis newsletter and e-mail updates in about a week.

We've made it easy for you to start your subscription. Simply go to the website and
log on as a member using your login below.

Your permanent login information for the website is:
username:  BRINK13976
password:  80162
Once at the site, you can immediately access the Capital & Crisis special reports, read the
current issue and email alerts as well as check out the issue and alert archives, and
examine the Capital & Crisis portfolio.
With your subscription, you will receive:

- Monthly issues of Capital & Crisis , mailed directly to your door. Plus, since you've given
us your email address we'll also send a quick email to let you know the moment that the
new issue is available on the website - That way you won't have to wait for it to appear in
your mailbox!
- E-mail updates covering important news on the Capital & Crisis portfolio. You can
generally expect to receive an email update every Friday. Also, if we discover a stock
that should be sold or there's breaking news--you'll get the word right away. We only
send them when it's important. Just the news you need, when you need it.
- A FREE subscription to the Agora Financial Executive Series .  The Executive Series is
composed of two, content rich, daily e-letters: Agora Financial's Rude Awakening and
Agora Financial's 5 Min. Forecast . Both of these exclusive services give you an inside
view of our editorial room - and both are only available to Agora Financial paid
- A FREE subscription to The Daily Reckoning , a contrarian e-letter by best-selling
authors, Bill Bonner and Addison Wiggin discussing the economic world-at-large.
Thanks again, welcome aboard and enjoy!


Samantha Buker
Associate Editor, Capital & Crisis

Subscriber Information

Please note: We sent this e-mail to: because you subscribed to this service.

To log in to the website, please visit and click on Capital & Crisis on the right hand side. Below is your permanent username and password:

customer number: 25196874

Please note that if you have multiple e-mail addresses associated with this account, the username and password above may be blank.

To cancel by mail or for any other subscription issues, write us at:

Order Processing Center
Attn: Customer Service
P.O. Box 925
Frederick, MD 21705 USA

Agora Financial

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We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security recommended to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company.

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