Monday, July 27, 2009

Liberal Elites Unhinged Over Obama Birth Certificate

Dear Glen:

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Thank you again, from the team at!

Is the biggest political crime in American history taking place
right before our eyes? Is the man in the White House Ineligible,
according to the Constitution, to sit in the Oval Office... is he
a Fraud... is he a Usurper?

At first the liberal elites in Washington and in the media tried
to ignore the question or ridicule those who dared to ask the

But - thanks to your efforts - the question will not go away...
and now liberals are getting frantic... unhinged... and downright

Now, liberals are personally attacking those who dare ask Barack
Hussein Obama ("Mr. Transparency") to produce a valid birth
certificate and verify to the American people that he is a
natural-born citizen - and eligible under Article 2, Section 1 of
the Constitutionto be President.

American music legend Pat Boone is finding that out the hard
way. When Boone dared to ask that very question, the left-wing
political blog Wonkette implied that Boone is a racist:

"What happens when you're super angry about a Negro somehow
becoming president, but there are no longer specific laws against
a Negro becoming president? Make up something else.... And guess
who just joined the 'Birther' club? Once-famous right-wing
[profanity deleted] and talentless fruitsack Pat Boone, who made
a living half a century ago stealing the black man's music,
that's who."

But no amount of name-calling can change the fact that 58% of
respondents to an AOL on-line poll said that Obama should produce
his actual birth certificate.

And no amount of ridicule will change the fact that 49.3% of the
respondents to a scientific Wenzel poll found the question to be
legitimate (41.5% said Obama should release his records and 7.8%
expressed concern over the issue), even though only 51.3% of the
respondents were even familiar with the birth certificate

And no amount of ridicule will change the fact that close a a
half-million people have signed petitions calling on Barack
Hussein Obama to release his birth certificate.

The plain and simple truth is that approximately half of the
American people believe, as you believe, that Obama should
produce his actual birth certificate and validate that he is not
a fraud or a usurper.

Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.... When half of the
American people want a question answered... it is no conspiracy
theory. You were right to press the issue then and you're within
your rights to press the issue now.

And the liberal elites know it too. But more than that, they
fear that more people will dare to demand that Obama produce a
valid birth certificate as more people become aware of this

That's why liberal elites are ridiculing you. That's why they're
issuing personal attacks. That's why they're calling people
racists or nuts. That's why they're trying to marginalize you.

Don't let them get away with it because one more thing is
becoming apparent. The more you press them, the more desperate
and unhinged they become. If you keep pressing the issue, the
American people will win. If you stop - and the liberal elites
are hoping and praying that you do - the American people lose.
It's that simple.

That's why we can not let up now. That's why we must continue to
press the liberal elites... particularly those in the media.
That's why we must continue deluging their newsrooms - their
inner-sanctum - with faxes demanding that they stop distorting
and start reporting.


Use the link below and help the Western Center for Journalism
flood the fax machines of Barack Hussein Obama and the editors of
the Top Newspapers in the United States (USA Today, the New York
Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall
Street Journal, the New York Daily News, the Chicago Tribune, the
New York Post, and Long Island Newsday) - and the producers at

Tell them that no amount of arrogant or derisive laughter on
their part is going to make the issue go away. Article 2, Section
1, of the Constitution of the United States specifically states
that the President of the United States must be a natural-born
citizen and that Barack Obama has moved heaven and earth to block
the release of his actual Birth Certificate - the one document
that could prove his eligibility under the Constitution to occupy
the office.

Admonish them for distorting, instead of reporting. Admonish
them for their conscious and biased efforts to assist Barack
Hussein Obama in obscuring the truth from the American people.

Gifts To The Western Center for Journalism Are Tax Deductible


Myth: Obama Release His Birth Certificate Long Ago?

Liberal elites continue to perpetuate the myth that Obama has
released his birth certificate. But that's not true. Obama has
not released his actual birth certificate.

The document that Team Obama released is a Certification of Live
Birth; and aCertification of Live Birth and a Birth Certificate
(A Certificate of Live Birth)... [notice the difference in the
words "certification" and "certificate"] are two totally
different documents.

A Certification of Live Birth- the document that Team Obama
produced - supplied below on the left- is a "short form"
document... a print out of information that has been entered - at
some point in time, by someone - into a computer database.

A Certificate of Live Birth(an actual birth certificate) - on
the other hand contains more information.

Produced at the time a person is actually born (meaning it can
not be changed or altered simply by accessing a computer
database), it gives the specific location of birth, the hospital,
the time of birth, the attending physician... the names of
witnesses to the birth....

The image on the right is a redacted copy of an actual
Certificate of Live Birth(an actual Birth Certificate) from the
State of Hawaii from approximately the same time that Obama was

Obama's Certificationof Live Birth

Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth

So what's the big deal? For starters, the Certification of Live
Birth is totally inadequate when it comes to validating that
Obama is eligible under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution
to be President.

The State of Hawaii provide an concrete example, as to why.

Hawaii maintains programs to encourage property ownership for
native Hawaiians. The Hawaii Department of Home Lands (DHHL), a
government agency, oversees these programs and, among other
things, must validate that applicants for these programs are, in
fact, native Hawaiians.

Pursuant to the administration of these programs, DHHLstates the
following on its website:


"In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information
that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth,
which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of
your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a
computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate
of Live Birth will save you time and money since the
computer-generated Certification requires additional verification
by DHHL."


If the State of Hawaii does not accept the Certification of Live
Birth as singular proof that an individual was actually born in
Hawaii, why should we.

Of course, Barack Hussein Obama could put the issue to rest
right now by simply releasing his actual birth certificate.

But he won't release his actual birth certificate. In fact, he
is actively resisting efforts to compel him to release his actual
birth certificate.

He's dug in his heels. Teams of lawyers are actively fighting
efforts to get him to release his actual birth certificate,while
his underlings look down their noses at the American people and
call these legitimate requests "garbage."

If Barack Hussein Obama has nothing to hide, what's the problem?
The more he resists, the more you have to wonder.

It's time for you and me to weigh in and force the issue.Let's
call-out the liberal media. Let them know they must report this
story and that there is nowhere to run or hide.

So what's the big deal?


Use the link below and help the Western Center for Journalism
flood the fax machines of Barack Hussein Obama and the editors of
the Top Newspapers in the United States (USA Today, the New York
Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall
Street Journal, the New York Daily News, the Chicago Tribune, the
New York Post, and Long Island Newsday) - and the producers at

Tell them that no amount of arrogant or derisive laughter on
their part is going to make the issue go away. Article 2, Section
1, of the Constitution of the United States specifically states
that the President of the United States must be a natural-born
citizen and that Barack Obama has moved heaven and earth to block
the release of his actual Birth Certificate - the one document
that could prove his eligibility under the Constitution to occupy
the office.

Admonish them for distorting, instead of reporting. Admonish
them for their conscious and biased efforts to assist Barack
Hussein Obama in obscuring the truth from the American people.

Gifts To The Western Center for Journalism Are Tax Deductible


Why Should It Matter Where Obama Was Born....

Article 2, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States,
states in part, "No person except a natural born citizen of the
United States, at the time of adoption of this Constitution,
shall be eligible to the office of President."

That means neither Arnold Schwarzenegger nor George Soros can be
President of the United States. Not ever. Neither can Osama bin

That also means, that if Barack Obama was born outside the
United States, he is not eligible to be President of the United

On this matter, the law is very clear. Obama's father was not an
American citizen and Obama's mother was only 19-years-old when
Obama was born - too young to confer her citizenship on young
Barack. Obama's mother could be as American as "Apple Pie" and
it would not matter (more on that later).

Absent a parent that could confer citizenship on Obama at birth,
in order for Obama to even claim he is a natural-born citizen, he
had to be born on United States soil (although even that point is
in dispute, as some claim that dual citizenship, which would have
been bestowed on him courtesy of his father, is a disqualifier).

And Obama's paternal grandmother said, she was present at
Obama's birth, which took place in Mombasa in what is now Kenya.

So where was Obama born?

Only an actual birth certificate can answer that question (not
the Certification of Live Birth that Obama produced) - and Obama
has multiple teams of lawyers dedicated to the proposition that
nobody - but nobody - gets to see the one document that can clear
up this controversy. That's insane.

It's outrageousthat Obama continues to cover up the truth.It's
impossible not to conclude that he's hiding something.

In his grandiose Memorandum For The Heads Of Executive
Departments And Agencies, Obama proclaimed:

"SUBJECT: Transparency and Open Government: My Administration
is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in
Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and
establish a system of transparency, public participation, and
collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote
efficiency and effectiveness in Government."

Just pretty words. They mean absolutely nothing to Barack Obama,
the non-transparent president - if indeed he is the President.


Use the link below and help the Western Center for Journalism
flood the fax machines of Barack Hussein Obama and the editors of
the Top Newspapers in the United States (USA Today, the New York
Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall
Street Journal, the New York Daily News, the Chicago Tribune, the
New York Post, and Long Island Newsday) - and the producers at

Tell them that no amount of arrogant or derisive laughter on
their part is going to make the issue go away. Article 2, Section
1, of the Constitution of the United States specifically states
that the President of the United States must be a natural-born
citizen and that Barack Obama has moved heaven and earth to block
the release of his actual Birth Certificate - the one document
that could prove his eligibility under the Constitution to occupy
the office.

Admonish them for distorting, instead of reporting. Admonish
them for their conscious and biased efforts to assist Barack
Hussein Obama in obscuring the truth from the American people.

Gifts To The Western Center for Journalism Are Tax Deductible


Is This Whole Controversy Such A Big Deal Or Much Ado About

It was for John McCain.

You may still remember that the liberal media made a huge deal
out of the fact that McCain was born in the Canal Zone, while his
father, a Naval officer, was stationed there. The liberal media
relentlessly questioned whether or not McCain met the
constitutional test?

Congress even got into the act and weighed in on the matter. It
was that important. When it came to McCain, adherence to Article
2, Section 1 of the Constitution was no conspiracy theory.

But John McCain, unlike Obama, released all relevant records.

While the Canal Zone was not American soil, McCain's parents
were both American citizens who had resided in the United States
for the required number of years after having reached the age of
majority.McCain was good to go... as was Senator Barry Goldwater
many years ago.

And the key phrase above - when it comes to parents bestowing
citizenship rights on a child at birth - is "resided in the
United States the required number of years after having reached
the age of majority."

Obama's mother was only 19-years old when Obama was born... she
was much too young to bestow her citizenship on him for the
purpose of satisfying Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.

That's why McCain could be born abroad and why Obama must have
been born on U.S. soil.

So why did the liberal media savage McCain and why is the
liberal media giving Obama a pass?

Strangely, it may have been the liberal media's willingness to
savage McCain over the issue that eventually brought this whole
controversy to light.

When Obama's grandmother claimed Obama was born in Kenya, the
McCain controversy was still fresh in the minds of people who
wondered -and are still wondering -why the same standard was not
being applied to Obama.

But, as the American people are coming to know, you are simply
not allowed to criticize or scrutinize "the messiah" or hold "the
chosen one" up to any standard.
Just raising what was a legitimate question in regards to John
McCain makes you a conspiracy theorist or nut when it comes to

And now, as Pat Boone is finding out, it makes you a racist.


Use the link below and help the Western Center for Journalism
flood the fax machines of Barack Hussein Obama and the editors of
the Top Newspapers in the United States (USA Today, the New York
Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall
Street Journal, the New York Daily News, the Chicago Tribune, the
New York Post, and Long Island Newsday) - and the producers at

Tell them that no amount of arrogant or derisive laughter on
their part is going to make the issue go away. Article 2, Section
1, of the Constitution of the United States specifically states
that the President of the United States must be a natural-born
citizen and that Barack Obama has moved heaven and earth to block
the release of his actual Birth Certificate - the one document
that could prove his eligibility under the Constitution to occupy
the office.

Admonish them for distorting, instead of reporting. Admonish
them for their conscious and biased efforts to assist Barack
Hussein Obama in obscuring the truth from the American people.

Gifts To The Western Center for Journalism Are Tax Deductible


Can We Really Force The Media To Report The Truth?

To borrow a phrase from the Obama campaign, "Yes We Can."

In fact that's what The Western Center for Journalism has been
doing for over eighteen years.

The Western Center for Journalism was founded in 1991 by Joseph
Farah (the brains behind James H. Smith
(former publisher of the Sacramento Union).

The Western Center for Journalism first made its mark following
the suspicious death of Deputy White House Counsel Vincent Foster
during the Clinton presidency.

Officially ruled a suicide by authorities, reporter Christopher
Ruddy - with assistance from The Center for Western Journalism -
unearthed evidence that shouted, "cover up."

Of course, at first, few - especially in the liberal media -
listened but Ruddy's persistent and dogged investigations
eventually showed that the suicide ruling was phony. As it was
with the Foster story, so it is today. If we are persistent, the
liberal media will have no choice but to start reporting this

My name is Floyd Brown and I am a syndicated columnist and
veteran broadcaster. Today I lead the Western Center for
Journalism, and it is a vigorous watchdog that keeps a check on
government abuse and the media. The Center believes strongly in
open public debate. It also believes that informed public debate
requires quality journalism and reporting.

The Center is working to provide quality journalism and
reporting by exposing bias and falsehoods in the mainstream media
so that true information will be available.

The Western Center for Journalism website covers a wide variety
of topics from media bias, to media industry news, and articles
about online news sources and the impact of "citizen

In addition, the Center trains individuals to become "Citizen
Journalists" and bloggers. These individuals are provided with
technical training and practical advice on quality reporting and

But today, we need your help to expose the truth. When the
editors and producers of these liberal media outlets start
receiving a deluge of faxes from irate and patriotic Americans
like you, they'll know that they can no longer hide behind their

They'll stop distorting and start reporting.


Use the link below and help the Western Center for Journalism
flood the fax machines of Barack Hussein Obama and the editors of
the Top Newspapers in the United States (USA Today, the New York
Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall
Street Journal, the New York Daily News, the Chicago Tribune, the
New York Post, and Long Island Newsday) - and the producers at

Tell them that no amount of arrogant or derisive laughter on
their part is going to make the issue go away. Article 2, Section
1, of the Constitution of the United States specifically states
that the President of the United States must be a natural-born
citizen and that Barack Obama has moved heaven and earth to block
the release of his actual Birth Certificate - the one document
that could prove his eligibility under the Constitution to occupy
the office.

Admonish them for distorting, instead of reporting. Admonish
them for their conscious and biased efforts to assist Barack
Hussein Obama in obscuring the truth from the American people.


Floyd Brown
Western Center for Journalism

P.S. Even if you can not join us in this effort right now, you
can still help us expose Barack Hussein Obama by sending this
e-mail to at least 10 of your friends.

The Western Center for Journalism is a 501©3 educational
organization. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS
regulations. Personal and corporate contributions are allowed.

Western Center for Journalism
4901 Bridgeport Way W Suite E-2 - University Place, Washington
98466 - (202) 370-6366

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