Thursday, July 23, 2009

Chuck Norris: Atheists in the Capitol's Foxhole

Atheists in the Capitol's Foxhole
By Chuck Norris


I'm a fighter for the freedoms of speech and religion. They are
our constitutional rights -- what the First Amendment is all
about. But those freedoms don't give atheists the entitlement to
eliminate or revise America's religious heritage in the new $621
million taxpayer-provided Capitol Visitor Center in Washington.

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This month, the House and Senate passed identical resolutions
approving the engravings of the national motto ("In God We
Trust") and the Pledge of Allegiance in prominent places in
the Capitol Visitor Center -- a 580,000-square-foot facility
under the Capitol -- where 15,500 guests visit each day.
    Spearheading the measures were Rep. Daniel
Lungren, R-Calif., Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., and Sen. Jim DeMint,
R-S.C., who are leaders who also have drawn attention to the
oversight of religious heritage in the CVC. The YouTube video of
Forbes addressing the House on this matter -- called "Our
Judeo-Christian Nation" -- has received about 2.5 million
hits to date, making it one of the most widely viewed floor
speeches in YouTube history. Also, some of the 19 omissions and
inaccuracies in the CVC can be seen on the YouTube posting called
"War on God."     Engraving the motto
and pledge in the CVC sounds so basic and reasonable, doesn't it?
Apparently not to the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the
nation's largest group of atheists and agnostics, which filed
suit in an effort to prevent the engravings.

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