Thursday, October 22, 2009

Profit from Obama's Disastrous Policies

Don't Believe the Hopeful Numbers,
an Obama Market Meltdown Looms...

But... the crash will be followed by a new market
entry point that will see the market soar by 200% to 300%...
I'll tell you when to dive in.

(I was right about the 2008 crash. Can you afford to ignore me this time?)

Dear Reader:

Are you reassured by the recent stock market rally?

With all due respect, don't believe the numbers.

No, I don't mean to suggest the data are deliberately false... they're just an illusion.

But first, I want to be clear. I'm not a gloom-and-doom guy. You don't earn more than three decades of double-digit returns for your investors with a negative attitude.

My name is Doug Fabian. I write Successful Investing, a newsletter that's been helping loyal, satisfied investors grow and protect their wealth for 32 years.

I try to keep politics out of my advisory reports and alerts. But recent developments make keeping silent impossible, indeed, unthinkable.

President Obama and a reckless, partisan Congress have transformed what was a banking/credit crisis into a full-blown, fundamentals-driven, economic disaster.

But the big shock looms just over the horizon -- certainly by year's end.

Please take a second to read the six, cold, hard truths listed below.

Knowing them could save your portfolio in the coming turbulent months. Regrettably, most financial managers and fund managers would rather swallow glass than reveal this information to you. It's not in their interest to warn you.

However, I consider it my obligation:

1. The current stock market rally is a false rally, a mirage.
2. This economy is far, far, worse off than most Americans realize. Fact is, we're now in the early stages of a depression. Period.
3. The next stock market will be a bear... a snarling, bloodthirsty "grizzly."
4. The so-called "economic stimulus" is not a stimulus... it's an anti-stimulus.
5. Our next investing threat isn't hyperinflation – it's hyperdeflation.
6. The worst is over? Wrong. Mutual funds face another massive redemption panic by year's end... possibly worse than the sell-off of 2008.

Forgive me for not jumping on the recovery bandwagon.

I'm just not buying it.

Nor should you. Not unless you want to risk watching your portfolio, 401(k), or IRA hemorrhage AGAIN like it did in 2008.

However, in just a few moments, I will show you a clearheaded, common sense strategy that will guide you through the coming storm... and safely to the new market entry point and the historic 200% to 300% gains that lie beyond it.

It's an entry point as powerful a launching pad to growth as were the years 1974, 1983, and 1994. You do not want to miss it... as millions of others will. I'll tell you exactly when to dive back in.

But first, you must avoid the coming Obama market meltdown...

Read on...

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